I wear makeup everyday, but not a lot of it. So I couldn't figure out why it was taking me so long to apply it and get out of the bathroom. Then one morning as I was rooting through a bunch of makeup I only use for special occasions to find eyeliner, it finally occurred to me - I was spending a lot of time rooting. I was also getting distracted by the endless sparkly tubes and bottles, and forgetting what I was originally looking for! (I'm not very bright B.C. - that is, Before Caffeine.)
Now I keep my DAILY makeup in one bag, and SPECIAL OCCASION makeup in another. In the morning, I dump the contents of the DAILY bag out on the counter and put each item back in the bag as I use it. It may not seem like this is a gigantic time saver, but those minutes add up day after day, week after week.
An added benefit is that when I'm preparing to travel, the bag is ready to go, and there's enough room for a special item or two to snazz my face up.
So simple - I wish I had thought of it years ago!
The Best of Amazon
4 years ago
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