Jan 2, 2015

Plan for 2015 - Fill in Your Calendar

So you've staked your claim on 2105 by defining your Priorities! Its a good feeling, isn't it?

And now the ENTIRE YEAR stretches before you to get it done.  There's nothing you cant do!

Except . . . not really. 

If you are exceptionally wealthy with no work, family life or obligations, okay - the year is yours. But the average person has a job, some kind of family, a home to care for, a social life and various obligations and commitments. 

Is this you? It is certainly me, and everyone I know.  

But there are pockets of time that are less demanding, and there are routines and old habits you can tweek to support your goals.  Therein lies your opportunity for growth. 

Grab your calendar, because this is where you take a linear look at how you spend your time. It doesnt matter what kind calendar you use (electronic, paper, etc) as long as you are committed to using it, and only it. If you need something temporary to get you through this exercise, click the link below the picture for a free printable calendar for 2015. 

Using the Month At a Glance pages, fill in what time is already assigned. Some possible thoughts to consider: 

  • Busy seasons at work (Example: for accountants January - May). If your spouse has a busy season, you will too, because you're more than likely picking up the slack.  
  • Vacation(s) and other family events such as kids commitments (sports, dance, karate)
  • Work and commute
  • Celebrations (Anniversaries, Weddings, Showers, Birthdays, parties/gatherings, etc.)
  • Holiday preparation
  • Seasonal property work (Do you maintain a big lawn, or snow blow a long drive in the winter?)
  • Home projects (taxes, home improvement, budget overhaul, etc)
  • Work travel/events. Again, if this describes your spouse, it affects you as well. 
  • Other commitments (religious meetings, PTA, professional groups, volunteering,etc.)
  • Visits from friends and family

The more involved you are, the more time and energy it requires. This is a good time to ask: is my involvement THAT important?  It's okay to let go of some things, or take a break. Try seeing if you can:  

  • Eliminate 
  • Delegate or teach someone to do it
  • Lower your standards (at least temporarily)
  • Postpone it
  • Hire someone to do it
  • Simplify the process
If you were able to do any of the above, you just freed yourself up a bit to reach your goals. That deserves a pat on the back!

By now you should be see your true seasons of busyness.  Though you can still work on your goals, these blocks of time are not ideal to hyperfocus on them. Think of goals as a roller coaster - always moving forward, but still a series of peaks and valleys.  

Those other spaces of time though when you're not so crazy-busy, that's when you can put a big dent on your priorities. 

Also, you will see that some of the things you have scheduled will actually HELP you work on your goals, especially if you can tweek them a bit to fit. Vacations and holidays are an excellent time to put FAMILY first. Work travel and professional groups may offer a chance for CAREER GROWTH. Lawn work and house projects provide a form of exercise if your are focusing on HEALTH/Wellness.

Another day, we'll discuss daily and weekly schedules.  Why? because if there is anyplace that "time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin'"** - it's there. 

But tomorrow, we'll talk about how to set a goal and meet it within a reasonable time frame. Most people can't do it willy nilly. 

*Photo credit - timeanddate.com
**Who said that?  Why, The Steve Miller Band, of course! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnlTrq6wLf0

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